As you've seen, I'm out here blagging again.
The reason I started blagging again is because Bob decided it might be a good idea to get back into the blagosphere when reddit seemed to be imploding. So I figured Bob would start to blag but I haven't seen much yet.
I don't really want to be using blogger anymore but I know switching platforms will slow down my blagspeed. What I'd really like is a static site publishing blag software that I run myself. It's not a huge deal to blag like that but like I said, don't want to put obstacles in the way of the blagging energy i've got right now.
I also don't really care about comments, I'd rather not have them and also these sharing icons need to go. If you're reading this you're likely my friend and we can chat about subject matter on telegram or irc or something. If you really want to have some in depth discussion, write about it on your blag and if I ever really make my own platform i'll start doing tracebacks (remember those?) using referrers.