I thought I read a lot of books this year until I read Robert Archambeau's list. Better than what I read this past year (which you probably already know too much about if you read this blog) is what I want to read next year. If you are reading any of these as well that may guide my reading.
- The Catcher in the Rye - Salinger
- Breakfast of Champions - Vonnegut
- Anathem - Neil Stephenson (I'm still in the first hundred pages.)
- Dubliners and Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man by Joyce (started but failed to finish both of these in 2008)
- more by Camus, probably at least The Fall and The Stranger
- Demons and The Idiot by Dostoevsky (Camus inspired me to re-read these, still trying to get a handle on those crazy Russians)
- Nietzsche - Karl Jaspers (Still in the first hundred pages of this as well.)
- I and Thou - Martin Buber
- Cycles of Conquest - Spicer
- Huenemann's book on rationalism
- The Golden Sayings of Epictetus
- The Federalist Papers
- correspondence between Adams and Jefferson
- lots of poetry - I'm open to suggestions.
- more essays by Orwell, Montaigne and Emerson
- something by
- Max Stirner
- Stendhal
- David Foster Wallace
- Epicurus
- Rousseau
- Jung
- Jorge Luis Borges