$ sudo emacs -nw /etc/apt/sources.list
any other editor would be fine too, even vi
add the line below to the file (found on the VirtualBox linux download page)
deb http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/debian hardy non-free
$ wget -q http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/debian/sun_vbox.asc -O- | sudo apt-key add
This downloads and then adds sun's key to your apt keys so that aptitude won't give you errors related to the new repository.
$ sudo aptitude update
$ sudo aptitude install virtualbox-2.0
$ VirtualBox &
Agree to Sun's license agreement, register, if you don't it keeps bugging you.
Click "New" in virtualbox.
Prompted for Name: winderz
OS type: Windows 2000
Click "Next".
Choose the amount of memory you want to allocate to the virtual machine.
This machine has 3 GB of memory, choosing "500" MB for the virtual machine, should be ok, it's only win2k after all.
Create a new fixed-size hard disk (I chose 8GB, this machine has 130GB or so). It takes a while to allocate the space for the virtual hd image. I took the moment to jot down my win2k license number in tomboy.
Select the previously created disk image as the "Boot Hard Disk (primary master)"
Click "Finish".
Click "Start" from VirtualBox.
Insert win2k install cd.
Select "CD/DVD Rom device".
Click "Next"->"Finish".
Install win2k.
Once windows 2000 is installed, eject the cdrom.
From the "Devices" menu in VirtualBox, click "Install Guest Additions".
This process mounts the guest additions ISO to the virtual machine so you can have access to the drivers you'll need for the install
From inside win2k, double click on the cd drive in "My Computer" to start the driver install process going.
The virtual machine will probably need a reboot once the install is completed. After reboot, change the screen resolution to something acceptable (probably 16 bit color at 1024x768).
Make sure you have a connection to the internet, on my machine I had to manually specify the DNS servers.
Apply winderz updates (requires a number of reboots to the virtual machine, a service pack update, IE 6 install and 68 other updates IIRC).
At this point you should be done, time to drink a cold one. I now have my winderz safe in its own container where I can get other work done while it incessantly reboots. Thanks VirtualBox!